Plight Of Millennials
Plight of Millennials We are the Millennials—that’s what my son emphasized today, who is Gen Z. So, what is that? The dictionary or Google meaning, indeed, is just some text. But the psychological meaning of my millennial generation is something vast. I feel we are caught between the Boomers (our parents' generation) and Gen Z. The Boomers inherited the freedom struggle, 100 years of British exploitation, partition, and wars. They didn’t face a survival crisis, but they faced the burden and expectations of seniors to work for family honor, religion, culture, and a better standard of living. The same elements were passed on to us as Millennials. India in the 1980s was with its doors closed, living in the cocoon of its own culture on this planet—deliberately or timidly trying to stay away from the rest of the world. What is different is unacceptable; that was the thought process until someone somewhere opened the doors of economic liberalization. Technology was brought in, choices ...